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lab/licking on feet

19 11:46:09

i have a chocolate lab that licks on his feet, i have used utter cream, antibiotic spray, he licks it off and trys to continue sometimes has his feet bleeding. i have checked his feet for sore or stickers.some suggestions would be  helpful thank you

Hi Geraldine;
Have his Veterinarian check him for allergies.
Licking and chewing the feet is the first sign of allergies.
His feet are itching him, and creams won't do it.
Flea allergies are the most likely, but dogs can be allergic to anything, just like people can.
I have a dog that is allergic to mold spores and pollen, as well as flea bites and a lot of other things.
He spends a lot of his life on antibiotics.
They can get infections from the allergies, and besides just being annoying, the allergies can be life threatening, when there is infection.