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Dog, Itching, Flax Seed Oil

19 14:23:26

Have you any positive or negative information about the use of small amounts of flaz seed oil in my Shih Tzu's food in hopes that it will relieve her itching?

Hi Allen;
I have no information about flax seed oil.
I have never tried it.
I have 2 now with allergies, and have had other dogs in the past with allergies, and have dealt with itching from several different allergies.
It is important to first determine what is the cause of the itching.
Have you had a diagnoses for the cause?
My English Setter has the worst problem with it. She has to, from time to time, go back on her anti biotics.
Most of the time, her allergy meds the vet prescribes work fine.
Flea allergies are kept very well at bay by using Frontline.
I have tried Advantage, but it just doesn't work as well as Frontline.
Do you bathe her frequently?
Frequent bathing, as much as once a week can cause excessively dry skin, and the itching is pretty bad.
Dogs don't have pores in their skin, and they don't get an oil protection from frequent bathing, like humans do.
The allergy could be to something in her food.
Dogs can have allergies just like people can.
Some are even allergic to corn, which is in most dog foods.
My vet uses conventional medicine, but he also uses alternative. He has never mentioned the flax seed.
He is starting acupuncture for the Setter's Arthritis, she is just beyong anything else relieving it anymore.
Is she is getting too frequent baths, or there is a food allergy that can be eliminated, maybe the problem can easily be solved. I hope so, I hurt when my babies itch and I can't relieve it immediately.
If you want to find a vet that also uses alternative medicine, you can find them on the web, easily.
Just put  alternative veterinarians, or alternative medicine for pets, in the search engine.
I don't know the site I found, now, but a couple of years ago, I found a site for a questioner, for alternative vets in her area.
As I remember, you click on an area of the map, and you get a listing of all the ones for as far around you as you are willing to travel.
I wish I could give you more information about the flax seed, but the experience I have had with allergies, I really think it will take more than that.
You should be able to get some info on flax seed on some of those sites.When I searched, I remember a number of choices came up.
Write me if you don't find something positive today, and tell me just what you are wanting to find, and for what area, and I will help you search.
It is just a few minutes past midnight here, so it has just turned Saturday for me.
I will be glad to help in any way I can.
