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behavior problem with nine year old Lab

19 9:33:26

My 9 yr old Lab, Clover has been a near perfect dog for the past 8 1/2 years. Recently she has turned completely neurotic. She has always been a needy dog, but lately she comes completely unglued when left alone. She has NEVER chewed a thing and now she has ripped apart screens, destroyed doggie doors etc., all in an effort to get into the house. When left indoors she frequently has accidents in the living room. We are very worried because she also seem to be losing weight. Energy wise she still acts like a puppy and does not seem to be feeling her age. There have no been any new changes, if anything we have been home more with her than we have been in the past. Any idea what is going on here???

Sounds like Clover is going through some separation anxiety.

Some signs of separation anxiety are:
-Chewing furniture, walls, etc...
-Barking & whining
-Chewing or licking themselves obsessively
-Stressful urination/defecation

Here are some tips on that:

1. Never make a big deal out of leaving or coming back. Simply grab your keys and go.
2. Make sure you take it in strides. Start out with leaving for just a few minutes and lengthening the time as you succeed. Build up to the goal you've set for yourselves.
3. Crate training can be a great tool for dogs with separation anxiety. Since dogs are naturally "den" animals, they love their own, quiet space when they or you need it.
4. Leave music on for Clover. Studies show that classical music, like Bach, has the most calming effects.
5. Feel free to leave the TV on for your dog that helps drown out the outside noise of cars, dogs, and everyday life that makes it hard for your dog to remain inside. Just make sure it's not Animal Planet as the noises coming out of the TV may cause a reaction you don't want.
6. Foster self assurance and confidence in your dog.
7. Give your dog attention during designated times to reinforce expectations.
8. Never punish a dog for showing signs of separation anxiety.

As far is weight loss I'd talk to my vet about the causes and allergy possibilities.