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spaying a mature dog

19 11:15:24

We felt we had no alternative but to spay our 9 year old dog.  There were so many dogs hanging around when she was in season.  Constantly breaking into our garden marking everywhere and keeping us awake at all hours.  The operation was a success but just recently she has been acting as though she is in season and dogs are responding!.  Is this normal behaviour as we feel it has made no difference at all?

I would contact your vet about this as possibly "all the parts" were not totally removed (ie. some spayed bitches can come down with pyometra due to small amounts of left-over tissue).

If this spay was done recently, there is a possibility that she still has enough hormones in her body to appear to be in season, at least to the boys. Check your calendar and see if the timing might be right for this. If this is the case, those hormone levels will drop with time.

Also, bitches with infections can attract males.

Years ago I had a spayed bitch with no other symptoms other than that all the males in the house were humping her. It turned out that she had a nasty bladder infection that took us about a month to clear up after a change in meds.