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Is MSM and Glucosamine harmful to my German Shepherd

19 10:22:32

Hello Patti,
My 5 1/2 yr old male neutered German Shepherd has been displaying signs of stiffness in his joints for the past few months.
I have started giving him Herbal Select: MSM & Glucosamine capsules - each capsule contains 500 mg of each supplement.
Are there any known side effects of taking this medication for German Shepherds?
He is 110 lb, extremely large frame, lean muscular build.
I appreciate any feed back you give, thanking you in advance.

Hi Catherine,

There are no known side effects with glucosamine or MSM. The only exception would be for diabetic and overweight dogs, because they have problems with glucose tolerance.  Diabetic and overweight dogs should have their blood sugars monitored if they are given glucosamine supplements.

Keep in mind that not every dog will gain the health benefits from glucosamine and MSM, and your dog needs to be given the supplement daily for at least a month before effects may be seen.

Glucosamine and MSM do nothing for the pain of joint disease. You should have your dog examined by your vet and get a prescription for some kind of pain relief medication to use in addition to the glucosamine/MSM supplement.
After a month of supplementing with glucosamine/MSM you can try cutting back on the pain medication to see if there is any improvement.

The dose for glucosamine/MSM varies from brand to brand. If you are unsure of the dose for your dog, speak to your veterinarian.

Best of luck,
