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Puppy house training, exercise, food.

19 13:54:30

We brought home a 14 week old Shiba Inu puppy last week, and he has been going to pee outside about 50% of the time. Over the past 2 days however his frequency of peeing has decreased and he is not drinking and eating as much as before. We spoke with the breeder and she mentioned it be anxiety from being in a new place etc., but we are a little concerned at this point.

One thing that appears apparent is that he wants to play outside and not potty - everytime. He almost appears to be holding it, as he sits and just looks at us. He is not going in the house either though.

We are keeping him in a pen in the day and crating at night - with play time and mini walks morning and evening. We are not letting him loose in the house yet as we are still introducing him and our resident cat.

Is there anything you think may be wrong with him and not peeing so much - or is it normal for them to hold it like this?


Hi Lisa
Is he pee-ing at all? If so when he does pee is it a normal colour and volume?  If it is then the best thing to do is monitor him closely and if he starts to lose weight or develops any other symptoms, or appears to be in any discomfort consult a vet.  Some puppies do go through stage like this with a slightly repressed appetite and if it corrects itself within a few days all is well.  It is also possible he is starting to gain more control over his bladder and will not need to pee quite so much.  This how-ever should not affect his appetite - although the stress from the move might.
It sounds like you are doing everything right and will keep a close eye on him so I would not be overly concerned at this stage unless there is any further development of symptoms or his appetite does not increase again within the next few days.
Hope this helps