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potty trainning

19 13:54:30

i have a rat terrier who is almost 7 months old. she was paper trainned and she would also go out side some. now i have taken the paper away she refusses to go out and potty. she will go out and lay down or walk around and sniff everything. then when she goes back inside she will potty on the floor. what can i do to break her of this habbit. she has a brother who is 5 years old he goes out every time with her and he does his thing out side. please help me.  

Hi Wendy;
Sounds like a case of " I'll have my own way".
When she goes potty in the house, show it to her, point to it and chew her little behind out good.
Tell her that is not allowed , shame on you etc.
Really nag a little, but make sure you do it in a scolding, stern voice.
Then, I would put her in time out.
Time out here is about a half hour in the hall bathroom, that is the smallest room in the house. No toys, nothing to do but lie on the bath mat and know you are in trouble.
After a few time out's which mine thoroughly HATE, all I have to do when they start to misbehave is "Do you want to go to time out?" and they straighten right up and bahave themselves.
They associate time out with being in deep trouble.
After she eats, take her outside and stay with her until she goes.
Run and play with her, or throw a ball for her to chese, anything to get her up and moving.
When they get exercise, it makes their urges get stronger, and makes their bowels move.
When she does do it outside, praise her like she wan an academy Award.
Tell her what a good baby, dogm girl, whatever, she is, how smart she is. Just really lay it on thick.
She will soon learn it is in her best inteest to go outside.
Also praise the older dog for going outside.
When she sees him getting attention and extra pets for doing it, maybe she will get a little envious and not let him outdo her..
Rat Terriers are one of the breeds that can spoil easily, and be a little bit hard headed, so it may take quite a few times to get her to change her ways, but be persistent, and you will win out in the end.