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19 13:41:02

We found a wonderful Toy Manchester terrier at the Humane Society 15 months ago, loved him so much we decided to get him a play mate, to make a long story short, we found his actual litter mate and they have been together 6 months. They got along well, played together with an occasional spat. Suddenly a couple weeks ago, dog #2 has become agressive and they are fighting  EVERYTIME they are together. They don't fight if we walk them together. It is sad to see dog#1 becoming tense. They were both so happy and playful. What can we do?

Hi Rose;
You have a little dictator that has decided he will be the alpha of the family.
You have to make him know YOU are the alpha, and will not tollerate such behavior.
When they start fighting put the one that is starting it in time out for a half hour or so. If they fight when you take them out, put them bnack.
If one is causing it, punish just that one. If they are both starting it, punish both of them.
Grab them up and chew them out royally. Tell them "NO! I won't tollerate that. You have to go to time out", and soch their little butts in a small room, no toys, nothing to do but be bored and contemplate their sins.
My dogs HATE time out, and I have used it on many dogs with the same results.
After they learn what it means because they have been there a few times, all you have to do is say "Do you want to go to time out?" and they will behave themselves.
I don't mean usa a little voice.
Sound like you are mad enough to eat them alive.
YOU have to be the parent. You have to teach them what is and is not allowed just like when you are raising children.
If you let this little critter dominate the other dog, YOU will be the one he decides to train up next.
Just like a little shin-kicking kid, if you let them get away with an inch, they will take a mile next time.
I just don't hit. I use a good butt chewing and time out, and my four get along great. they are allowed to snarl a little at each other when they get mad, or don't share, but they know mom will bring down the house on them if they fight, so they keep their little tempers in check. Even my little Lhasa that would rule the workld if he had a chance.