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infection on paw?

19 11:34:46

Hello, my golden lab has a wart like lump in between two toes on top of paw. They are red in color and scaly. Its only been a week, she doesn't limp on that paw. What can I do, money is tight at the moment.

Hi Amy,

It may be something called Interdigital Cysts. These are common in some breeds of dog. Interdigital Cysts are soft to firm fluid-filled swellings that form in the web of skin between the toes.

Here is a website on Interdigital cysts that you might find helpful:

It's also possible that your dog has Interdigital Pyoderma, a common foot problem that's an infection between the toes.

Some cancers can resemble cysts when they occur on the feet. The most notable of these are probably melanomas which seem to occur on toes pretty frequently.

You can try the home treatment outlined at the website I recommended above, if there isn't any improvement you need to take your dog to the vet.

If money is tight, try talking to your vet, and see if he/she will allow you to pay off the bill over an agreed upon period of time. You can also contact your local Animal Shelter and Humane Society. Many times they know of reduced cost vet care in their areas.

Best of luck,