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border collie

19 9:12:34

will my border collie protect me?
details: see i have a border collie female. i adopted her. it was actually accident i met her. see a year ago i begged my parents to get me a border collie. FOR A YEAR! they finally said yes but there weren't any male dogs. i got a white german shepherd instead. we were in houston at the time now brownsville, i found  her. i was looking supplies for a project, when we saw some dog. my mom said we could go look at the dogs. si\o we went and i saw sophia (my border collie) and her brother, jake. i walked both dogs and liked sophia. i begged my mom and she said yes, after some time. we brought her home and yeah had her since.
info about sophia: she is friendly doesn't really growl only barks., and is sweet to me and my family.but there have been times when she's with me and then coco(my white german shepherd) came and he was stepping on my foot so i said OW! she snarled at him and bit at the nout (not too hard though) then came back. idk if it' s just playing or to protect me. she's a year old. and yeah sorry this is so long. i want to know if she would protect me, like if someone broke in or attacked me. she follows me around and listens to me. since day she did that. once someone was walking by and she flashed by (in our backyard) barking i went and told her to stop she did and was submissive. so yeah. i think she thinks of me as her master. do you think she would protect me? again sorry for it being so long. :)

There is usually no way to know what any dog will do in an emergency situation until it actually happens. I would expect the shepherd to do the protecting, as that is what they were bred to do. I know the shepherd I had as a young girl would most definitely have protected me... no question.... and he proved it one night when we were out for a walk as he growled fiercely at a drunken man who approached me and made the man back away.

A border collie is bred for herding, and that is what they do best. (Consequently, they usually excel in heeling in obedience.) Farmers usually use larger breeds for protecting their flocks/herds. While not specifically labeled a "working dog", border collies sort of are as they really like/need something to do. You might want to sign yours up for some obedience classes and work with her more as it sounds like she might be really good at it. You could even show her in obedience classes down the road and add titles to her name like Companion Dog, Companion Dog Excellent, Utility Dog, etc. It's a LOT of fun!