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The puppy (:

19 10:07:36

We are considering getting a Labrador puppy, but we are unsure of a few things. Our main concern is that some days a week (around 4 or maybe less) will be on it's own for 4 hours. We are able to walk it in the morning an when we get back, however my kids have to go to school/work/college an I'm at work an my husbands shifts start at 12 P.M. an finish early morning, but he doesn't have to work every day. He has different days off in the week, and mostly someone will be at home. At the weekends we will all be in, or at least most of us will. So we are sure that we can have as much time needed at the weekend. But weekdays is where were unsure, as it will be left alone for around 4 hours. Just not every day, and especially in the holidays as i work at a school an get all the school holidays and so will my daughter who is old enough to look after it. So do you think it will be ok to leave it alone for just 4 hours a few days a week?

That won't be a problem,4 hours is really nothing,as dogs can be home alone for as long as 14 hours with no problems-what you will want to do for a while,is to crate the puppy when you are not home so he/she can't get into trouble and this also helps with housetraining