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Apartment/House training

19 9:32:46

I have just gotten a wonderful 2 yr old "pocket" beagle. She has had a litter of 6 puppies - can't be fixed until a few more months.  
I take Bailey outside after eating, playing, sleeping etc. As I live in an apartment a leash is necessary - no problem BUT she simply refuses to go outside!!  I have been outside with her for 45 minutes and nothing.  When I take her inside - surprise - she goes. I love this little girl very much and want our relationship to succeed. She is overcome with sniffing baying and howling instead of doing her peeing or pooping.  Currently, I don't have a crate - never needed one with my previous girl (god bless her) PLEASE can you help me and Bailey??

A crate will be the best idea for this dog,while a lot of dogs don't need them a lot do as well. Now what you do with that is for about three weeks keep her in there at all times except to feed her,to take her outside or out somewhere or play time. And then slowly let her out more,if she starts having accidents again,then back in the crate full time for another 10 days.