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2 year old Chinese Crested male

19 10:38:58

I have an opportunity to buy a 2 year old male Chinese Crested dog. I was told that he is crate trained but not really house trained and he isn't altered. I am wondering if he is likely to have problems with house training and also spraying since he hasn't been fixed yet (although I am planning to have him fixed ASAP if I do buy him).   The lady that currently owns him also has Chinese Crested Powderpuffs available for sale. They are 6 months old, both boys and girls and none of them are housetrained or altered.  I'm wondering what would be easier for me in the long run as far as housetraining and spraying problems are concerned.
Thank you so much for any help or advice!

How much homework have you done?  I really have my doubts about somebody that keeps dogs without housebreaking them.  If they have been allowed to run loose and foul the house, it is going to be tough to retrain them.  If they have been shut up and forced to live in their own filth, it will be worse yet.  I think you need to ask the breeder plenty of questions.  There are many things a breeder needs to do to produce puppies that will make good pets.  Aside from making sure the parents are free of physical and personality problems, the care the puppies get their first 12 weeks are extremely important.  Even well bred puppies with have personality problems if mishandled early in life.  For more on evaluating a puppy or breeder see  You may find more about problems specific to the Chinese Crested or Powder Puff at

Usually the term marking is used to describe a dog urinating to claim territory or express dominance.  Neutering a male is an important factor in preventing it.  The younger, the less likely to have the problem.  

I am a big fan of following your heart when it comes to selecting a pet.  If you want a Chinese Crested, I would get one, but I am afraid the one you are looking at may break your heart with its problems.  One of the best sources for dogs with a predictable personality is the rescue dogs. These are dogs that lost their home, but were taken into a foster home to be retrained as necessary and placed in the right home for them. You may find a rescue near you starting at The rescues charge a fee to help cover their expenses, but is much less than the price of a puppy plus all its medical expenses the first year.