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puppy in heat???

19 11:34:00

I adopted a female puppy 2 wks ago.  I was told at the time they estimated her age at 7wks.  Today I found blood on one of her training pads.  Isn't she too young to be in heat???

Hi Paddy,

Seven weeks is early to separate a puppy from it's mother and litter mates. A puppy of that age wouldn't be in heat, you can expect that at around 5-6 months (on average).

Your puppy might be having a bladder or urinary tract infection. If the blood was in her stool, and not her urine it could be parasites, or the deadly parvovirus.
Either way, you shouldn't waste time in having your puppy examined by a vet.

Keep in mind that your puppy will gain the most health benefits if you have her spayed before the onset of her first heat cycle, but that's for down the road a bit. For the here and now, she needs to see her vet.

Best of luck,