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yorkshire terrier pup

19 13:44:05

i have just bought a yorkshire terrier date of birth 15 9 06 he has been sick and also has dioriha can you please advice me on what i should be giving him to eat  drink thank you

Hi Caroline :-)

You need to take him to the Vet. Because he is very young and such a young puppy, his immune system will not be as strong as a Adult Dog and he may need some help for him to fight off the viral tummy bug he has picked up.

Meanwhile, give him something light to eat such as scrambled egg or boiled rice with grilled meat included in it, and keep his fluid intake up. He will need to drink a lot of fluids to help flush out his system and to stop him from becomming dehydrated.

You can tell if your Dog is dehydrated by touching his upper GUM with a dry finger. If his GUM is very moist then he is not dehydrated but still keep his fluid intake up. If his GUM it takcy or sticky then he is dehydrated.

Also keep him somewhere warm and keep a close eye on him but do contact your Vet today for advice incase you need to bring him in.

Take care & all the best & please leave me a comment.

Trisha x