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Dog sleeping

19 9:45:32

I have a 13 year old Shetland Sheepdog who has always slept in his crate at night.  He usually puts himself in his crate and sleeps through the night.  A couple of weeks ago, he woke up around 11:30 PM and started scratching to get out.  He was visibly afraid and shaking.  Since then this has occurred off and on for weeks but I cannot figure out what is wrong because some nights he is fine.  Could my neighbors have an anti-vermin devices or anti-dog barking devices that could be causing it?  Any other ideas? Thank you.  

Hi Alissa,
I had a dog that did that and it wound up she had a heart problem that would bother her at different times.  Also, he may have to go out more often since he is older and doesn't want to mess in his you let him out of the crate to see what he wants?   Have him checked by a vet and also know that changes happen at 13 years of age. Make sure you get a BUN done on him.  It is for kidney function.   sometimes kidneys can hurt if they are not functioning correctly due to infection etc.