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i need a dog

19 10:04:14

i want a dog that can play with me and that is cheap. want dog should i get. i dont want one that shed.also i dont want a dog that is to big

As far as shedding goes, look into the ones with mor eof a fur than hair, Poodles, Schnauzers, Bichon Freese, Yorkies, and maybe others.  All of those are available in smaller sizes.  

Cheap?  Plan on spending money keeping the dog, annual shots, heartworm remedy, flea remedy, etc.  The good news is that the lower priced foods are just as good for the dog as the the expensive ones.  

One of the best sources for dogs with a predictable personality is the rescue dogs. These are dogs that lost their home, but were taken into a foster home to be retrained as necessary and placed in the right home for them. You may find a rescue near you starting at The rescues charge a fee to help cover their expenses, but is much less than the price of a puppy plus all its medical expenses the first year.  If you don't find what you want there, try