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6 yr mini schnauzer

19 11:43:35

My schnauzer has a horrible skin condition that the vet calls croop. He was loosing his hair and his nose is extremely dry and would crack and bleed. We first took him to the vet for the bumps and itchy skin and test wear taken for thyroid but came back negative. We have taken him numerous times to the vet for the same problem and when it was really severe. The schnauzer scratches himself constantly but not to the point where he opens the skin but enough to loose all of his hair around the belly, back and legs. I'm ready to change vets because he has never treated the problem. He advised us to give him benedryl and rub vitamin E on his nose for the dryness it helped a little at first but the benedryl made the dog very drowsy and grumpy. We also changed his food 3 or 4 times and with change in the skin rash, dry nose and itchy skin. I bathe him every 2 to 3 months with selsum blue for relieving the itch and dry skin but our schnauzer needs something better at this point. Do you have any other ideas or suggestions. Please help our schnauzer!

Hi Lilly and thanks for your question.

There is a condition that is predominantly present with Schnauzers and is called Schnauzer comedone syndrome. It is a skin condition that causes black-head like bumps (kind of like pimples). This could be part of the problem, but there can also be a Zinc deficency. The dry cracking nose (and possibly the feet pads) can be indicative of a zinc deficency or zinc malabsorption problem.

I would definately change vets and you may want to see a veterinary dermatologist, instead of a regular general vet. Have them run a blood test that would test the zinc, calcium, phosphorus, copper, etc (basically the dietary minerals). I'll bet you find something there. They can also do a skin biopsy that would show these conditions.

You will want to bath your boy every 2 weeks (at least) with a soap free shampoo that is made for skin conditions. Benzole peroxide shampoos are also available and are good for seborrhea-type conditions. There are numerous vet prescribed ones, but I really like the all natural ones (without drugs) that are made to sooth the skin. Earth Bath is a great one and it is soap free, no chemicals, colors, preservatives, and is enviromentally friendly. I really love it and we use this line exclusively in our grooming salon, but there are many really good brands available with a little searching on the net. I don't like to buy anything from the big pet stores however.

Here is some additional sources that may help you with your research. I highly recommend you read this information so you can go into a vet consultation armed with information and questions.

I really hope you get some answers for your boy. It's a miserable life living with skin problems.  Please let me know how it's going and if you find some answers :)