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sister bulldogs sibling riverly

19 10:27:03

I have two female bulldogs who are sisters and 15 months.  I am now aware
that two females from the same litter isn't a good idea. Butters and Gerty are
their names.  Butters is slightly insecure, pees on her bed to mark her
territory and every little noise makes her bark.  Gerty is much more confident
but also bossy.  Anyways, my biggest concern right now is that they fight
allot.  Not to the point where they really hurt peashooter, but it is definitely
puppy play fighting, and there have been scratches and scrapes as a result.  
We used to break it up, but that seemed to make it worse, so now we let them
fight and either make a loud noises to distract them to stop or let them
finish. This usually happens when Gerty pins Butters, but lately Butters has
been putting up a much stronger fight and doesn't want to give in. The fights
usually start when Butters is chewing or playing with anything, then Gerty will
go up and try to take it away even if she has the same thing to play or chew
on.  This make Butters hair stand on end, and she begins to growl which  
usually ends in them fighting.  Butters definitely resource guards, when Gerty
is around.   They also fight if Butters is getting petted and Gerty wants to be
pet and pushes her way in...even when we ignore her she usually will put her
paws on Butters back and try to stand on her, which then starts a fight.  So
needless to say they have no toys to play with but now the sticks and leaves
in the yard have become the conflict.  I would love any advice on how to make
this relationship more peaceful.  Gerty less controlling and bossy over Butters
and help Butters with her resource guarding insecurity.

Hi Jaime,

Unfortunately what you describe is exactly why littermates is not a good idea.

I would have someone come out and evaluate if this is even a doable situation, do not rule out placing one in another home, probably best without another female.

I wish I had better things to say.