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Grooming my new puppy

19 13:57:29

I have a new 10 week old Shihtzu/ Yorkie puppy.  What is a safe age to start having her groomed and what can I do to help her not be afraid of the groomer?

Hello Jana,  Start her grooming at 4 months of age.  She may or may not need much hair trimed but she will need the hair around her eyes, stomach, rear end and feet trimmed.  Her nails will need clipping and her ear hair removed to prevent ear infections.  A good bath and blow dry too.  Usually by 4 months she should have all her shots and it will be safe to expose her to other dogs.  You should handle her feet often as many dogs if not used to it can't stand their feet touched.  Also brush her with a puppy brush as to get her used to the feel of it.  When you brush her when she has no tangles she may learn to like the attention.  If you wait and brush her after the tangles develop and it pulls and hurts she will learn very quickly that it is something she won't like and then the problems start.  Interview the groomer and get a feel of how they like grooming baby puppies.  I can tell you a puppies first grooming experience sets the presidence for the rest of her life.  A good experience is a must!  Thanks for asking, Cindy Lou :)