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whining/separation anxiety in a 1 year old

19 10:14:54

I have a 1 year old chihuahua.  I recently acquired a mini dachsund pup approx 11 weeks old. I had my Chi crate trained as a pup and then we moved into an apartment and she ended up in bed with us.  I am now trying to crate the pup and re-crate train my chi.  I have them baby gated in the kitchen.  The pup calms and lays in his bed, my Chi cries and cries and I'm sitting 4-5 feet away from her so she can see me.  I've read many online chats and this seems to be the consistent message, crate where they can see me, praise the Chi when she is quiet and let her out only after she is quiet.  She doesn't quiet though.  If I don't put her in with the pup, then the pup cries, so either way I will have a crying dog.  I know my chi has a touch of separation anxiety, I just don't know what to do about it without driving my neighbors nuts, too.  I can block it out.  So two questions:  how do I re-crate my chi and how do I get her over her separation anxiety?

One of the best ways to stop this,is when you come home or let her out with you,is to ignore her 10 minutes before going out/putting her behind the gate and also ten minutes after coming home/letting her out-so seeing you won't be a big deal anymore

And as for re-crate training,it's almost the same as a puppy,keep her in there at all times,except to feed her,walk her ect and do that for about 2 weeks,and if accident happen,back in she goes for another week