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Dog licking his feet until they bleed

19 14:21:14

Dear Dawn:

I have a st bernard/swiss mtn mix we got from the pound a year ago.  He just started licking his paw until it bleeds.  He doesn't have fleas as we've been checking.  Please help.


Hi Michelle,  There can be several reasons as to why a dog is aggravating his feet like that.  It can be allergies, or he could be feeling some sort of anxiety.  You need to first have a vet rule out allergies, and then talk to a canine behavior specialist to see if the dog is suffering from some sort of anxiety.  I see a lot more anxiety dogs now a days then I did 10 years ago, and I think because of the rushed way of living now a days for owners, the dogs are reading the stress of our lives and it is affecting them as well.  Also, you could be looking at a genetic anxiety problem.  In which case, you will need to do some specialized training to get through it.  I hope this helps, and good luck.
