Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dogs > worried!!!


19 9:33:29

   i just got a 7 month old pit bull i think she is a spotted pit not really sure just what ive been told... but anyways im really scared that she will turn on me and my family i mean like she loves ropes and pulling me across the room she is very strong and good with other animals for now.... she growls when i play with her i dont want her to be mean but i want her to be protective of me... i have one other question the people i got her from all they fed her was table scraps how do i break her from that and get her eating healthy dog food? please get back to me asap thank you... miressa

If you are at all concerned about this dog's temperament, then you should return her! If you decide to keep her, get her into on-going obedience classes for several months and work with her every single day. Also, the entire family should start practicing "Nothing in Life is Free" with her. Get a copy of the paperback book, "How to Raise a Puppy You Can Live With" by Rutherford and Neil. Great dogs are made, not born.

The dog food is going to be a problem. Feed her a quality kibble with some table scraps mixed in to get her started, and gradually over a period of time, start reducing the amount of table food she is given. You might try wetting the dog food to make it more appealing to her. If she walks away from her food, pick it back up and do not feed her *anything* until her next scheduled meal. Keep doing that until she starts to eat.

Now is the time to have her spayed, also.