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Dog Selection - Help Please

19 9:20:10

Hi Teri,

I have read your bio and was hoping you could help me out with choosing a dog.

my biggest concern is that currently i work full time 9-5, and although my wife works shifts, any dog we got would have to be left alone for 2 or 3 days (8hours) a week.

i've read up a lot and know that this isn't ideal but have been waiting for so long to get a dog and the time to be right. and just doesn't look like it will ever be perfect.

Other points to give you a better picture; we live in a house with a garden, we can give the dog as much grooming as needs, happy to walk the dog a lot, an hour a day and more on weekends; although would prefer a dog that doesn't need 4 hours running a day :). My wife likes the look of wolf / huskie types and i would prefer a strong/guardian dog but these are less important than having a buddy to walk with and sit on the sofa.

The dogs that keep coming up on my search are standard schnauzers which would be great or Irish wolfhound. but i'm still not sure if these are the most suitable to be left for the 2 days.

could you suggest some breeds/types for me to look into?

Any help would be greatly appreciated as I really want to get this right.

Hi Tom,

    Congratulations on your decision to add a dog to your family! The biggest piece of advice I can give you is to remember that no matter what breed you decide to go with, their personalities can vary greatly even within the breed. It's also important to decide if you want a puppy or adult dog. Of course, the majority of people want a puppy. They're cute, playful, and will share their first human bond with you. I always make sure to emphasize putting a lit of thought into a puppy, however, especially if a family hasn't had a dog before or if the puppy will have to be left for long periods of time. As long as you have time to devote to training, a puppy may be a great choice. Many new dog owners, however, insist on a puppy and quickly become overwhelmed by how demanding and time consuming a pup can be. For this reason, an adult dog is sometimes a good choice.
    That being said, let's talk about breeds. A Standard Schnauzer would be a great choice. If you don't mind the size, an Irish Wolfhound is a good match too. To add to your list, the Airedale Terrier is a breed that quickly comes to mind. They are good guardians, and would do well in the environment you describe. Another possible choice would be the Great Dane. Since you mentioned the Irish Wolfhound, I'm assuming you wouldn't be opposed to the Great Dane's large size. Danes tend to be total couch potatoes while the family is at work, preferring to sunbathe or curl up on their dog bed until the family returns. They don't require mass amounts of exercise, and do well with a moderate daily walk. The main problem with any of the extra-large dog breeds, however, is they don't typically live as long as other breeds. Many of the large spaniel breeds would may also make a good match for you, and woukd be worthwhile to consider.
    For your situation, I would probably avoid the Husky and similar breeds. While they are great dogs, they require a lot of exercise, mental stimulation, and attention. If their needs aren't met they can become bored and destructive, which is often overwhelming to a family new to having a dog around.
    As another resource, try Animal Planet's Dog Breed Selector, available for free on their website. It leads you through a series of questions and narrows down breeds that may best fit your lifestyle. I hope I was able to help, good luck finding your future companion!