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Hyper Dog

19 9:42:18

My Dog Oliver is a neutered one year old Pug x Boston Terrier. Now I know the breed is hyper but he is out of control. I have tried everything. He has been to two different obedience trainers and we have even had private classes. I take him on 2-4 hour walks a day and I take him on dog play dates twice a week, we play fetch everyday and I have even put him on a treadmill. Still he is so hyper and destructive. I have tried a shock collar, praise, treats, and time outs but he is so hyper he won't listen. He is hyper for about 14 hours a day until he goes to bed. He doesn't even lay down or nap during the day! I give him bones to chew and toys but he still wants to chew the couch or shoes. I have tried a firm 'NO!' and the jerking of the leash which doesn't work. I have also tried attaching him to me by a leash so I can get things done around the house but he just goes nuts.

He also nips at people when he's excited, playfully of course but thats no excuse because it still hurts. Again, time outs, a firm 'NO!' and the jerking of the leash do not work. I am consistent with making him get off the couch but he just does not care. My obedience trainer said its just his personality and breed and he should calm down in a couple of years. I really don't have a couple of years to let him run my house.
I ignore Oliver when I first get home because he is too excited but he will nip me. He bounces off the walls all day and night. I have taken him to the vets but they say he is perfectly normal. I am calm and confident with my dog everyday (I don't want him to sense that I am not confident), but get worn down in the evening from trying so hard.

He also swallows everything! Since I don't let him out of my sight, he has no time to chew things so he just decides to swallow objects instead. My house is clean and sometimes I don't know where he even finds things to swallow.

I have many friends with dogs who think I exaggerate about Oliver, but when they come over they cannot believe I was actually telling the truth.

He jumps on everything from the couch to the table. He knocks over my garbage can, he digs into the floor and he steals food. I've been very firm and consistent in my training in my opinion, theres just some things he does not care about. I have taught him many tricks to get him to focus on other things but only feels like doing them on his time. I have taught him sit, lay down, roll over, play dead, leave it, drop it ect so I know he is smart.

The only issues Oliver does not have is aggression. He is good with people and animals and lets me take away bones and food from him (if he has not swallowed it already)

This may seem like I am blabbering on, but my dog has got my so confused I don't know where to begin - or end.

This is a difficult question.  I was tempted to hit the ''This is out of my experience button''.  Well it is.  I hate to say this, but it may be a case for tranquilizers.  I believe drugging a dog should be a last resort.  I could suggest some of the newer behavior modification by conditioning methods, see Jean Donaldson or Karen Pryor.  I find them long on psycho babble and their methods unlikely to work.  

I really am afraid the answer is medication.  If your current vet won't help in any way, perhaps try another one.