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Rescued poodle

19 14:08:26

I have a poodle that came from a puppy mill. She was a breeder, kept in a cage all of her life. They estimated her at seven years old, but the vet told me she could be anywhere from 6-10 years. She was malnourished and weighed less than 6 lbs.  She had zero social skills when I got her. She did not know how to play, walk on a leash, not housebroken, etc.  The good news is she LOVES me. She weighs about 6.5 lbs now. She can walk on a leash and will play. She was house trained in the first couple of days. She can sit, lie down, "gimme five", speak, and cross her legs like a lady, all learned in a matter of maybe five to ten repetitions.  Extremely smart and VERY teachable. The biggest problem is her fear. She is very fearful of pretty much everyone except me, but even at that she is still suspicious of me at times.  Of course I spent a lot of time gaining her trust.  When she is frightened she will snap. She has had a good deal of her teeth pulled, but still has her canines, so I'm sure could at least bruise, if not break the skin. She NEVER snaps at me, and when we play she only "pretend" bites me. She is such a delightful little doggy and I am in love with her. She is just precious. My question concerns her fear of my husband. I have no doubt she was mistreated by men, so I'm sure that has a lot to do with it. She is TERRIFIED of him, not just afraid. She will scramble out of his way when he walks near. She wouldn't think of going to him on her own. I work nights, so she will be with him for as long as 13 hours. Sometimes I put her in his arms and he holds her and pets her and she will tolerate it, but as I said runs the other way when he comes near. She doesn't even want to be on the side of me nearest him, even if we are across the room.  When I am gone she won't come in to the room where he is, won't eat and holds her urine and bowels until I get home. He's not a big man, in fact only about 5'7" and 125 lbs. He does have a deep voice and makes loud noises that scare her. (i.e.: heavy footed, plays loud music, and runs his trains in the attic which make a lot of noise, and has a deep loud voice.) I have told him that if he wants to make friends with her he is going to have to carry her around with him and spend a lot of time gaining her trust. Other than what we are already doing, do you have any suggestions about her fear of him. I feel bad for him, but I sure understand her fear. Thanks for taking the time to answer my question. Elizabeth

Well going to obediance classes could do wonders for her,as it often builds confidence in dogs and have your husband at least go with you,but it would actualy be best if he was the one training her,as he would be giving her treats ect And she would soon learn he is not a bad person at all

Hope this helps