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frightened toy poodle

19 9:41:46

Recently, grandson and his giant schnauzer came to stay with us for a month or so. My five year old toy poodle is frightened to SHIVVERING of the big black dog, and goes to my bedroom refusing to come off my bed.
I have to pick him up, carry him outside to do his duty...even sit near him to feed him.  I just don't know what to do.

Hi there. You may not like the answer i have for you, but why are you treating the dog like a small frightened child? The dog is never going to come and get to know the other dog if you keep picking him up and taking care of him. Try taking both of the dogs out front in a neutral place on a leash...let them smell each other...dont yell at the bigger dog if the poodle starts to get scared. Just let them be unless you really sense danger. Do this a few times and then let the dog come out on his own in the house...he wont let himself starve..
good luck