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Chihuahua coffing/wheezing ?

19 9:41:46

QUESTION: My Chihuahua has been like wheezing/hyperventilating and shaking.I had a coff and i thought maybe i gave it to her but im not sure if it is a medical problem that should be tended to right away.She is only 2 1/2 years old and the only problem she has been having is with her weight but she has lost a couple pounds so i would think she would be doing better but this wheezing/hyperventilating i don't think is good.When she laying down with a blanket she's better but i need to know if it is a serious medical problem. Please reply soon!

ANSWER: Dear Liv,

Thank you for writing to me.  PLEASE rush your dog to the vet.  This is really serious.  Wheezing/hyperventilating and shaking is a disaster taking place.  You MUST call your vet on an emergency basis and have your dog looked at.  PLEASE!!!!

Shelley Davis

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: What if she stops because she has been doing much better since this morning and i haven't heard her coff/wheeze since earlier and the shaking stopped when i put a blanket on her.Even if it stops should i still take her to the vet? Also my mom smokes do you think that could be part of the problem ? Because my mom let her come out on the porch while she was smoking. Please reply as soon as possible.

Hi Liv,

If your dog has absolutely stopped coughing/wheezing then keep an eye on her and if she seems all right then she's passed the crisis.

Can she be reacting to cigarette smoke you ask?  Absolutely!  She has tiny lungs and may actually have asthma that is triggered by cigarette smoke.  You must keep her away from the smoke.  Cigarette smoke is very toxic and your dog is so very tiny....I would make sure that your dog is not in any room where there is anyone smoking from now on.

Best of luck,
Shelley Davis