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german pointer

19 14:04:47

i have a four month pointer that still does not sit or stay on command. how can i corect this problem that i have. If i bring out treats she will not pay can i get her to sit on command without getting frustrated?

I wouldn't be worrying too much at four months. Your puppy is still quite young. Make sure your not letting your lessons run too long. Two or three 5 minute lessons a day will suffice. Right now, dont really worry about the stay command at all. For a sit, have your puppy on a 5-6 foot leash with a choker. Make sure the choker is on the correct way and that it is the right size. First play with your pup to wear her out. Run away from her and call her. Then when she gets to you, praise. This is a good foundation to a great recall. After a few minutes of running around, call her to you and when she reaches you, check the leash(snap it upwards), and say sit. If need be place your hand between her hips and press until she sits. AS SOON as her butt hits the ground say "YES!" in a very upbeat voice, and "OK" straight after. Then just work on the recall(running around calling her to follow you). Then again repeat for the sit. She doesnt need to remain sitting for a period of time. At this point she should just come to understand that her butt on the ground is a sit. The praise is to let her know she's done good, and the release from you is when she can get up. Work on this for a couple of days. Then slowly make her sit longer. Dont leave her. If she starts to get up, check her, say "NO", and push if need be. Again, do this slowly, an extra second or two everyday. When she gets the point to get up only when you release(not praise), then you can start to teach the stay command. This is what you've been doing, just your going to move around more. You goning to take one step away the first few times, if this goes well, then two steps. Take it slowly. Keep going with another step only after she has mastered the last. Play alot to get the energy out. If she wont focuse with food, feed her half her dinner first. But she should be working for your praise. If you feel your getting frustrated stop. Just stop and take a break. Go sit down yourself and breate. Never let it escalate to you hitting your pup. Remember they don't know our lauguage.
I hope I've helped, come back if you have anymore question.
