Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dogs > help!!!!!please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


19 13:58:45

what can i do to get rid of my dog's stomach ache?please tell me everything you know about dog's havin stomache the way my puppy is 3 and a half months she is atoy poodle female.

              thank you for your time

Hi Mayra;
Hon, this is too serious to try and even suggest what it could be.
I don't remember ever hearng about a dog haveing a recurring stomach ache.
Only a Veterinarian can tell you why this is happening.
It could be anything from the wrong food for the puppy, or an allergy to something in it's food, to a genetic disorder.
Have yopu see a Veterinarian?
If you saw one about it, and didn't get answers or something done about it, see a different one.
Just like not all human doctors are as qualified or as interested as they should be , so it happens in Veterinarian medicine too.
I urge you to find a good Veterinarian right away, and find some answers and treatments for this.
It could mean your puppy's life, as well as needless suffering.