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Finding the perfect sister for our pet

19 11:25:48

We have a 15month old Blue heeler/boxer mix he maybe a mix but his personality is 100% HEELER.  We adopted him from the animal defense league 6months ago. Recently, I have changed jobs and have a new schedule. Before, Deuce was never left alone because my boyfriend worked during the day and I worked at night. Now, he is alone 40hrs a week. Though he has MANY toys and things to keep him occupied he has been acting out his loneliness on the back yard IE digging,chewing etc.  We are considering getting him a playmate and sister companion.  We love deuce and would love to rescue another dog.  We want to find a perfect breed that is compatibale with him. Deuce has alot of energy and loves to play with us and other dogs-is a sister the right answer? Also, if we do get another dog will he be jelous more than happy? Deuce currently sleeps with us and has for 6months we are starting to realize that we do not sleep as well because we only have a Queen bed and he takes up alot of it. how do you make the transition of removing him from the bed without thinking he has done something wrong? So, two questions-we would love to have another dog but what breed to get when dealing with an already established heeler and two, how do you make the transition from bed to somewhere else without making him feel like he has done something wrong. We love deuce and want what is bes for him. We feel he may be experiancing the repurcusions of being an "only child" but do not by any means replace him or try to pacigy him with another dog we just want him to be happy. HELP!!

Well,often if you explain your situation,the shelter may already know of a dog that might be right for you-but the breeds that are on the top of my list are:Shelties,Boston terriers,Shi Tzus,Lasha Apsos,Beagles,Pugs,Shiba Inus,Border Collies,Poodles,Labs,Golden Retrievers and Australian Shepherds-so there's a huge range,as well of course mixed breeds,and you don't have to have any of these breeds,they would just be my top choices with other dogs

Now as for them not being jealous,the best way to introduce them is slowly,so that your dog doesn't feel like the new dog will take over,also for about 2 months don't leave them alone together and only let them sniff through the gate

Personality is more important then breed-and as I have said,shelters may know of a couple of dogs that might be looking for a home that suits what you are looking for