Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dogs > Puppy has swelling of the vulva

Puppy has swelling of the vulva

19 10:28:13

QUESTION: My Puppy has swelling of the vulva. She an 11 mnth old Malipoo. I've seen some spotting on her vulva, but no heavy bleeding yet. She appears restless and not as playful. Is there anything I can do to help ease her pain? Until her spay appointment.

ANSWER: There really isn't anything you can do for her. Just snuggle up with her and keep a close eye on her so that she doesn't accidentally get bred. In the future, spay your bitches *before* that first season; it is much better for them and will make life much easier for you.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Will her period really be that bad? I've heard horror stories about puppies/dogs (female) having their periods.

Should I use max-pads that I have at home when her bleeding starts or should I purchase newbie diapers? She's only 7 lbs.

The worst part of it is the mess that they make and the fact that they will be trying to get to the males as much as the males will be trying to get to them. Some bitches will start marking in the house during this time. I don't know why anyone would want to go through this if they only had a pet and had no intention of breeding. Bitches really should be spayed before that first heat.

As to sanitary, they make little doggy britches for the girls. You should be able to find something suitable at a local pet supply. Use one of those light day liners in the panties to help control the mess. **Just remember to remove the panties when you take the bitch outside to potty!!!** It is easy to forget, believe me! And NEVER let the bitch outside by herself... there could be a male there just waiting to breed her.