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Constantly drinking water

19 11:26:00

Hi Diane,
I have an elderly collie who, for months now, has been drinking increasing amounts of water. Of course, in the warmer weather, we attributed it to the heat; but now it is cooler and the drinking continues. She seems to be constantly thirsty!
Unfortunately, this has now led to the problem that she cannot make it through the night without needing to relieve herself. I know she tries to hold it, but she will generally have at least one "accident" in the house before morning.
Can you tell me if this is the sign of something more serious, or can I just stop leaving her water down overnight? I don't want to cause her to dehydrate, but I am not sure what to do at this point!
Thanks for any direction you can give.

My first inclination would be to take her to the vet for a physical and to have her checked for diabetes. Common condition in older dogs and one that is very treatable if you catch it early. Drinking lots of water is a big warning sign of this condition. Also check your dog food, make sure she is on a good quality senior diet that is low in salt. All dogs need annual physicals, but as our babies age, just like us humans, more things can go wrong and they need to have their physicals more than once a year. Take her to the vet and rule out physical problems. Then come back and we can deal with any other issues.
Restricting her water would be a mistake. She knows when she's thirsty. Not being a pup anymore she's only doing what her body tells her she needs to do