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Gestation period

19 13:53:17

Hi Emily

Our Fox Terrier crossed with Border Colly is pregnant.  I am not sure how long the gestation are for dogs.  I only noticed a change 3 weeks ago when I started seeing her nipples getting bigger and then last week you could see her tummy getting bigger.  How long still do you think before she will have the puppies.  Also, how do you know when she is really close to having them.  What are the signs?
Thank you

Hi Marinda, thanks for the question.

I'm guessing this was an accident. Well I suggest in the furture you have your dog spayed. It is better for her health, as having pups is a big strain. Plus puppies, when raised correctly, and sold correctly, are hard work.

I'd say she is not far off now from having her pups. The gestation period for a dog is roughly 63 days. So about 2 months. Since you have already noticed her tummy and nipples, I assume she may have from 1-2 weeks left. If not less.
When she gets close she will start nesting. Give her a bed big enough for her and the pups. And make it comfy. It is a messy business for a dog when she gives birth, so be prepared with extra towels and a clean blanket or newspapers after the pups are all born. The mother will usually rest about a 1/2 hour between each pup. But this can vary. Make sure to have a vets phone number.
Speaking of vets, take her to the vet to make sure she is in good shape. As I said, pups take alot, from everyone. Especially the mother, and more so if she is quite young or old. So take this into consideration.
I can't get into it all here, so I suggest you read a few books on breeding dogs. They will tell you of all the possible problems and complications that can pop up. Of course she can get through this smooothly. But it is best to be prepared. I suggest reading "Successful dog breeding : the complete handbook of canine midwifery" by Walkowicz, Chris. This book is excellent, and covers everything.

Please spay your dog afterwards. Breeding dogs is a hobby, not a business. That is if you care about the dogs. And it is a very hard and exspensive hobby.

Good luck with your girl, I hope everything turns out well.