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color pigment

19 13:53:17

We bought a ceram color schnauzer two weeks ago he is about three and a half months old. He has pink skin. He was raised indoors by the breeder because of parvo being bad in her area. When we got him he had scabs all over his body from fleas. His scabs are gone now but his pigment is turning black. Its mainly on his butt, with a few patches on his back were he is shaved but not showing signs of itching. Is this normal for a cream?

I'm sorry, but I am not at all familiar with the "off colors" of schauzers. I would suggest you contact the breeder of that dog for information in regard to his coloration.

Have you had him examined by a veterinarian since you got him? You should always have that done shortly after bringing a new puppy home just to make certain that he is indeed healthy and has no parasites, internal or external. His eyes should have been examined by a veterinary ophthalmologist at eight weeks of age.

Good luck with your puppy! And a good book to get to help you with him is "How to Raise a Puppy You Can Live With" by Rutherford and Neil, a great little paperback.