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Bichon Frise bladder infection and possible stone

19 14:01:23

I have a  female Bichon Frise who will be a year old next wk.  I just had her to the Vet's as she is having peeing accidents.  The Vet told me she has crystal in her urine and that she may have a stone.  The Vet told me this is a commom complaint with the Bichons and the breeder who is reputable and good says this is not true.
Question - is the Vet correct or the breeder as she has guaranteed the health of the puppy for one year.  Also is there anything I can do to correct this problem with-outIs paying a fortune in X-ray and surgery?
I feed the puppy Performatrin (one meal a day and she is not much of a water drinker.

Thank you so much for having this service available. It is wonder to know that there are still people in this world who care more about life than money.  

Sincere thanks,


Hi Doreen,
Thank you for your kind words.  I am not a breeder, nor am I an expert on Bichon Frise, but I have never heard that this breed is susceptible to urinary crystals. Did your vet just mention that, or did he do tests to confirm it?  I would be very leery of a Vet pronouncing something like that without test to back it up.   If it were me, I would take her for a second opinion.  If this is indeed the problem, the breeder would expect a second opinion anyway.
Are you positive that this is not a housebreaking problem?
If you are sure that something is wrong other than that, then see what the second opinion is.  You may not have any other choice but surgery, however, if your breeder has given a guarantee then she should be responsible for the cost or at least most of the cost.  Get your contract out that you signed when you bought the puppy and see what it says.  It may not be specific on exactly what the "guarantee" includes.   If she is indeed a reputable breeder, she will do everything she can to help you find out what is wrong with your pup and to insure her good health.  I wish you the best of luck.

God Bless,