Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dogs > I have a Shi Tzu thats 2 yrs old female and i bought home a new puppy German Shepard 11 months

I have a Shi Tzu thats 2 yrs old female and i bought home a new puppy German Shepard 11 months

19 11:36:40

I  have female shi tuz 2 yrs old I had her since she was 2 months but now I bought a 2 months old female german shepard the shi tuz is  jelouse and sometimes when the german shepard wants to play with her all she does it run away and barks at her, is there anything i could do to make the shi tuz get along with the german shepard

You have to have a lot of pacince for multiple dogs....given some time...a few weeks everything should work itself out. please see my website pages: