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JRT in heat/scond time

19 13:34:28

    How many days after the female goes into heat/bleeding  does it take for her to be able to take with a male to make sure she gets pregnant? And what would the circumstances be if her father was to get her?


It really disappoints me that you 'graded me down' for rendering my professional thoughts about your breeding question.  Whether you were asking for a friend or not, it seems to me that your friend would know the answers to the questions you were asking if your friend were indeed a reputable breeder - so it is pretty apparent to me that the breeding you asked about is not a responsibly done breeding by a professional.

I don't appreciate your grading me down in my knowledge because I responded professionally and well-intentioned to your question.  What you have made sure of is that I will no longer answer anyone's questions about breeding because I feel I will be graded unfairly, as you graded me unfairly, in my knowledge.  It think that because you did so other people may suffer and not have access to professional knowledge that they otherwise may have had access to.  

In addition, because I feel you graded me unfairly, I am going to ask that AllExperts remove your rating of me.

Best regards,

Before I answer this question, I need to know why you're asking it.  It does not appear that you are a reputable breeder.  If you were, you would know the answer to the question you're asking.  If you're planning on 'backyard breeding' two pet dogs as a non-professional, I would very much recommend you NOT do this.  It would be very much against my professional ethics to advise you on breeding when you are not a professional breeder.  There is just WAY too much to know about things that can go wrong during the pregnancy, labor, and the whelping (birthing), what to do when the puppies are birthed to get them breathing (they don't all breathe on their own!), puppy nutrition, genetics, puppy rearing and critical developmental stages, nutrition for the female while she's pregnant and lactating, and much, much, MUCH more that a layperson should not even think to undertake.  I am a professional dog trainer and behaviour consultant, and I would not even think to undertake a breeding!

Please take this knowing that I answer with the best of intentions, as a person who has worked in shelters and knows how many unwanted dogs there are in them, many the result of backyard breedings where the 'breeders' could not adopt out all the pups and so had to unload them into the shelter system where they may or not may be adopted.

Best regards,
Madeline, NY-NJDogTrainer Expert