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my dear dog

19 9:45:22

QUESTION: thank you very much for your idea about Echinacea to the dog.. also for the posology!!! My little dog (poudle) is flu and i were worry about it.. now I know what to do!! thank you again. Mirka Italy

Hi Mirka,

I think you've directed your comments to the wrong person. I never told you to give your dog Echinacea.

If your dog is has Canine Influenza, contact your local veterinarian if your dog develops a persistent cough lasting more than several days or develops a thick, yellow nasal discharge. If your dog is coughing, keep it isolated from other dogs, and do not take it out to parks or areas where other dogs could get exposed. Without the correct treatment, your dog could develop Pneumonia.

Best of luck,

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: You answered to a Pakistan boy about his dog (a german shepheard...) do you remember?? so I read it. My veterinary told me to give my dog antibiotics.. I done, but without any improvement.. so thank you again!  


Hi Mirka,

Sorry, I still don't recall the message you're referring to. I get a lot of All Expert questions. You can't self diagnose your dog, by what I've recommended to others.

If your vet prescribed antibiotics, and the treatment didn't work, you need to contact your vet and give a progress report. You vet needs to know if the treatment is working, or if it's not!  It's not unusual that a dog would require additional medication, or a change in medication.

Best of luck,
