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my 10 mth old boxer

19 11:44:36

I have a 10 mth old male boxer named Winston, he is up to date with his vaccines & heartworm meds (revolution) which I gave him yesterday. Winston was fine all day until my fiancee & I came in from playing with Winston and he sat in front of me & I flipped out!! his eyes are all swallon. I called the emergency hot line they said watch it for a few hours if he isn't bothered by it, so I started to ice it(not helping). then I googled it and from what i get from the website he has "cherry eye" . could a bite from something swell both eyes? or could it be allergies? he is on a routine with his feeding and no human food also he isn't on any meds other then his heartworm serum. I hope you can help. are there any other websites you recommend? or any way I can help the swelling go down until I can get to the Vet's in the morning?

Sorry I am running behind.  My answer may not do any good now.  You could have tried a couple of the regular 100 gm Benadryl tablets.  They help with both stings and allergies.  

Googling for dog info on the net is like mining diamonds.  You have to move tons of dirt before finding anything worth keeping.  The big problem is all the junk on sites put up by Kooks and those with an agenda.  I often go to and lately I have been looking at  There is tons of stuff there, and most of it is good.  They are objective enough to include both sides on some controversial stuff.