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Doggy Doors

19 11:44:36

I have 2 Scottish Terriers who will go through our Doggy Door when it's propped up, but once I close it, they're just sit and wait till someone opens the door for them. The male's 2, and the female is 10 months. Put treats on the other side of the closed Doggy Door?

Hi Robert,

You should be able to train your dogs to push trough the door. You'll need the help of a friend or family member.

Have someone stay inside with your dog while you go outside. Call your dog through the "hole" (doggie door frame without the flap). When he goes through and comes to you, praise him lavishly and give him a food treat. Now have the person inside the house call him through the "hole." When he gets to them, they should praise lavishly and offer a food treat as well. Do this at least 3 times and no more than a dozen. After this, your dog will know there is a hole in the wall or the door especially for him.

Leave the "flap" off the doggie door for one full day. Encourage him to use his doggie door by not letting him use the "real" doors. Instead, you use the real door and say to your dog, "Go to your door!" pointing in the direction of his doggie door. You may need the help of someone inside to "help" the dog find his new door. After a half a dozen times, your dog should like this new game! If you have a very young puppy, do not expect them to learn "Go to your door" for many weeks or months; still give them the command in a happy voice, and have someone inside show them where their door is every time. It sometimes helps if you are outside (after going through a real door) and someone else helps your dog or puppy find the doggie door as you call him from outside.

On the second day, install the "flap." Now, you will need to repeat the same exercise as when you first sent your dog through the "hole." But this time, the person on the same side of the door as the dog will need to "push" the flap open for him. Each time the dog goes through the door, push the flap less and less for him. It is important that the dog gets used to the feel of the flap on the back of his head so once your dog has begun going through the door, let go of the flap so he feels it on his head and body as he goes through the door. Eventually the dog will need to push the flap by himself and dogs are usually hesitant to do this at first. He will probably put his nose down by the bottom of the flap and wait for the flap to move (after all, it has up to now). At this point, push the flap slightly so that your dog can see it is a movable object, let the flap bounce back to the closed position. The best way I can explain it is that you are "poking" the flap using short, quick pokes. This gives the dog a glimpse of an opening and encourages him to poke the door himself. At this stage, some dogs begin going through the door with ease, others become quite excited, but still haven't figured out that they can push the door open. If your dog will not push the door open by himself yet, secure the bottom corner of the flap to the flap itself, or above the doggie door using tape, string, or anything else that works. You want the flap to be on the doggie door, but the corner turned up so that the dog can see a small opening. He should then feel more comfortable pushing the flap open on his own. If your dog needs the corner of the flap turned up, leave it turned up for 1-3 days until your dog is very used to using his doggie door. After 1-3 days, do the exercise again with the entire flap in place. After your enthusiastic encouragement and praise, your dog should be able to push the flap now with no problem.

Here is a website on training a dog to go through a doggy door:

I hope I've been a help.
Best of luck,
