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My 6 month old Pit/Mastiff thinks he is the boss.

19 9:44:00

I got my Pit/Mastiff from the shelter about a month and a half ago. When i first got him he was good he had no accidents and his attitude was perfect, but lately he has been growling at me if i move him off the couch or my moms bed. He will not do this when he is on my bed or in my room. I was wondering why this is. I'm not sure if it's because he is too spoiled and shouldn't be on the bed, and when he is on the bed he feels like he dominates me. I don't know but i was wondering if you could help me out.


Who gets the best sleeping spots is very important to dogs.  The key to most behavior problems is approaching things using the dog's natural instincts. Dogs see all the people and dogs in the household as a pack with each having their own rank in the pack and a top dog. Life is much easier if the 2 legged pack members outrank the 4 legged ones. You can learn to play the role of top dog by reading some books or going to a good obedience class. A good obedience class or book is about you being top dog, not about rewarding standard commands with a treat.