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Swelled up nipples and growling

19 9:44:01

Hi, I have a 2 year old female mixed breed dog that just recently has her back 2 nipples swelling and irritated. She keeps licking them and I notice some behavioral changes also. She is growling at her mom inside the house but outside they are fine. She also chewed up an extension cord which she has never done before. My boyfriend is away at the present time and i was wondering if this could be why her behavior is this way and if this is stress that is making the nipples on her the way they are. She is use to having us both around all the time and now that he is temporarily gone she is behaving weird.

Hi Melissa,

Thank you for writing to me about your female mixed breed.  This situation is not related to your boyfriend being out of town.  This is a serious medical problem.

Your dog may be going through a false pregnancy.  This happens when a dog's body thinks she is pregnant and goes through the same changes associated with pregnancy.  However, what is more likely is that she has a condition known as Mastitis which is an infection of the nipples.  Due to the irritation you've described, I think that this is Mastitis and needs immediate attention, as all infections do.  When they progress they can become lethal.  If you delay in seeking vet help, things could worsen.  Please set up an appointment with your vet as soon as possible.

The reason your dog is acting out is because she is feeling sick and in pain.  She has no way to tell you to bring her for medical attention and her fear and frustration is causing her to "speak" to you in the only way she knows how.  Please call your vet for an emergency appointment.

Best of luck,
Shelley Davis