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leash train an older dog

19 10:14:50

my female 5 year old dog has always gone potty on our back porch and not on a leash.  I want to start walking her on a leash outside to go potty but she doesn't go and just sits by the back porch door to go.  I have tried this several times to not let her out on the porch and put the leash on her to walk her but even after an hour walk she still does not go.  What can I do to train her to go potty on the leash.


Hi Carol,

Dogs are big on habit and routine. You can certainly train an adult dog to walk on a leash, it will take time, patience and consistency on your part. While training your dog to walk on a leash, you should use particularly special treats like bits of hot dog, to make her achievements more memorable.

Go outside in a supervised area such as your backyard. Allow your dog to roam with the leash dragging behind her. Pick up the leash occasionally and show it to your dog while offering a treat.
Start to coax her along by offering treats and praising her when she follows you.

Once your dog has started to walk with a leash in your back yard, you can begin the process of teaching her to stay with you. To do this pull in a clockwise turn if the dog moves in another direction. This will teach her to stay at your side in order to gain your praise, and a treat.

Be sure to build up your dog's comfort level by spending more time outside, going for very short walks to build confidence, and using treats to enforce good behavior. If need be, keep treats in hand close enough to your dog's mouth that she can see them, using the treats like a carrot to magically pull her along and walk with you.

All dogs will learn at different speeds so you will need to be patient.  Outdoor training should be done in areas that have little in the way of distractions If your dog is easily excitable, then you should play with her and tire her out before taking her out for a leash walk. When training, use positive reinforcement and never yell or hit your dog. You'll get much better results with praise and hot dog bits!

Best of luck,
