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Dogs Sores

19 10:39:28

My dog keeps itching and biting his bottom of his back and right before his tail, he is a 4 year old Labrador, he has been doing this for a couple of days now, i have been told it is called hot sores. Do you know what i can use to heal this? If you do not know , it don't matter , but thank you very much.

You really need to take your dog to a veterinarian for a proper diagnosis. I have never heard of anything called "hot sores", but there are hot spots, which are localized bacterial skin infections.

This could be a staph infection, flea-bite allergy, or any number of things, each possibly requiring different treatments (staph requires oral antibiotics). Your vet will be able to diagnose this and tell you the correct medication and dosage for your dog.

I would put the dog in an Elizabethan collar to prevent him from chewing on himself and making everything worse.