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Puppy Coat Care......

19 13:59:51

Hi Karen!

How are you? I really appreciate your time in answering my question.
First of all I will tell you we just got a maltese/yorkie who is 10 weeks old and weighs 1 1/2 pounds. I have been combing her everyday, but I need help w/ the matting. I have to brush her for 45 min. every day. Too long for me and her.
I am looking for a good shampoo/conditioner to help me w/ the tangles. Please help me, their are so many out there and I want a good one for my small baby!

Thanks Bunches!   Gail

My goodness! There are so many great products out there now, and some work better on certain coats than others. One terrific product to help to get through matting and save coat is actually a horse product called Cowboy Magic Detangler. It is *wonderful*! (and a little goes a long way.) One product that has long been favored by those with long-coated breeds is one called "The Stuff". You might look into that one.

As to dog shampoos, just pick one that smells good to you. Be sure the dog is thoroughly combed out *before* her bath, and then brush again afterwards to avoid any snarls becoming mats. When bathing her, try to shampoo the hair in a downward fashion, rather than rubbing the hair everywhere and tangling it up more. And, as always, rinse, rinse, and rinse again to make sure that all shampoo is rinsed out of the coat.