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vaccination delay

19 9:52:20

hi. my baby is an almost three year old german shepherd. his annual vaccination was due a month back. his regular vet has had a personal problem due to which he kept postponing the appointment. now my problem is should i change my vet as my baby is quite happy with the current one. is this delay going to cause my baby any problems (despite my vet assuring me otherwise)? should i look for another vet or can i wait for a couple of days more? my baby does not interact with other dogs much so chances ohances of him catching infections is nil. how do i go about fixing this? will my baby be alright? please reply as soon as possible. am egarly waiting for your reply. thank you.


Hi Poyzn,

If you are happy with your current vet, there really isn't a reason to change doctors. A dog's immunity to disease does not expire exactly in a year from the date of vaccination, so I'd agree with your vet. Your dog should be just fine!

According to the American Veterinary Medical Association, dogs at low risk of disease exposure may not even need to be boostered yearly for most diseases.  At least in the US, the new vaccine protocol is every three years for the distemper, parvovirus, adenovirus and parainfluenza vaccines (also called DA2PP combination vaccine). House  dogs that don't have much contact with other dogs don't have a high risk of exposure to disease, though dogs that live in cities and are walked in parks that hundreds of other dogs are also walked in have a high risk of exposure to infectious diseases. So, talk this over with your regular veterinarian to determine the appropriate vaccination schedule for your dog.

Best of luck,
