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Cane Corso pup

19 14:05:16

Hello Charlotte. I have a 5 month old Cane Corso puppy. I got her from a private breeder. She was kept in the basement with the other puppies and did not have much human contact. I felt so bad, I had to get her. She would only go to the bathroom on cement. I have however, been able to get her to go in the grass now. The problem is, I think she is scared of me. Whenever I ask her to kennel up or if she has to go potty outside, she pees on the floor. I even go so far as to give her treats to go outside and in her kennel. I try to talk very happy and excited to her, but it doesn't seem to be working. I take her outside every hour to go potty, and she'll still manage to pee on the floor. I am just at my wit's end. I love Adrienne and don't want her to be afraid of me. What should I do?

Thank you for any advice!

Hi Selina;
It sounds like the situation this puppy was raised in before you got her traumatized her, but good.
Those places, where the animals have little human contact, and are kept in such confinement are called puppy mills, or kitty mills.
People breed the animals to sell, are NOT responsible breeders, and it is illegal in almost every state in the US, if not every one.
You should give the Humane society in your area a call, and tell them about this breeder. They will investigate, and if it is a matter of the dogs being well cared for, but just not being socialized and needing more fresh air etc, they will educate, if it is a puppy mill, they will shut it down and stop these people from putting dogs through that experience.
It will take a lot of time, love and patience and understanding for you to help turn this little girl around, but you sound like the kind of loving person who can do it.
Don't talk in an excited voice to her. Talk to her in a soft, and loving , soothing voice, like your voice has on kid gloves.
Like if you were trying to talk someone off a ledge, from jumping.
No sudden moves or sudden loud noises.
Watch her after she eats, and take her outside. Wait for her to go potty, and then praise her a lot, in a very soft voice.
You have to convey all the love and affection this puppy never got, but should have, from humans in your voice. Not an easy task at all.
She is probably terrified of the kennel ( I assume you are talking about a crate).
I don't use crates. Mine have beds of their own and are also allowed to sleep on our beds.
I like a soft cuddly to sleep with.LOL
She is not only afraid of you, she is afraid of everybody, because she didn't get the human contact when she was little.
You no doubt remember the stories on the news about the babies in the orphanages in Bosnia etc, that had little human touching and contact, and the pleas for people to adopt these babies. These children were so traumatized by the lack of human touching and contact that they had emotional problems that would take very patient and loving people to adopt and care for them and help them live any kind of normal life.
Well, that is the situation I am afraid you have with your dog.
She sees you like you would see a gorilla that was wanting to be friends wit you. You are going to be very scared and cautious.
As she begins to accept you more, and be more comfortable that you are not going to hurt her, you can pick up the level of excitement in your voice, and pick up the tone and volumn.
It won't take a lot of months, probably, but it may take 2 or 3.
When uou praise her, do it in a soft voice and sort of quietly, and just very soothing. "What a good girl you are" etc. Stroke her when you pet her, and talk in this soothing voice when you are petting her. \You know, just nice and slow ans easy.
A puppy that had a normal start would understand a little bit of the language by now, and would be used to the different tones and volumns of people's voices. She didn't get that start. So, the two of you are starting from scrach.
I wouldn't give her treats to get her to do anything, I give treats only as a freebie. No strings attached.
Giving treats as a reward for behavior can spoil a dog just like it can a child.
Pretty soon, they won't do anything unless they get their treat.
Talk to her a lot. Use the same language you would use with a child or any person. she will start to learn the language and know what you mean by the words, and she will associate the words with what you are wanting.
Meantime, you have to show by taking her to where you want her to go, and praising when she does it right.
Avoid the normally sharp tones you would use in disciplining until she gets over her trauma a little.
another thing that I think would help you a lot is to learn animal nassage and use it.
I have cured fear of thunderstorms and excessive barking and a lot of things with massage.
You can calm an animal, gentle a horse, a lt of amazing results can come from a massage.
You can get a video to show you where and how to massage a dog to get the results you are wanting.
the calming massage, while you are talking to her will sooth her and calm her down. that would speed up the results a lot.
You can learn about the massages and what they can do and order a video at this site.
The video costs about $35.00, and it is the best money you will ever spend. You can accellerate any training with massage, as well as give a lot of relief of pain from Arthritis etc she will be likely to suffer from in her advanced years.
If you can just give her a bed, rather than putting her in a crate, that would probably ease her more. the crate is probably a reminder of her earlier confined situation.
Lots of luck with this girl.
Please keep me posted about your situation with her, and write any time you feel I can be of help.