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19 14:00:14

How can you train a puppie realy well.And teach the puppie new tricks?

Hey there... Thats a good question I hope I can help. Ill start with the basics.  1.  HEALING-The most important part of your training starts here.  You'll want to have your puppy on your left side at all times during training.  Always lead off with your LEFT leg during HEALING.  I dont know if your puppy walks on a leash yet but you'll want to start that soon.  Once you have him trusting you on the leash, then start little he goes to sniff around reinforce in gently and say HEAL..loud and clear.  Keep him walking beside you at his speed not yours until he adjust to the fact that he needs to walk beside you.  Then you can adjust your speed to his as he progresses.  2.  SIT-After you have mastered the healing you'll want to try SIT.  Carry a bag of treats in your pocket.  I use beacon strips broken up into little pieces.  Say SIT and give a quick tug. If he doesnt understand place your hand on his rump and push.  Say SIT and give a treat.  Repeat this several times on your walk.  I usually walk my Saint Bernard 10 month old puppy about 1 mile every night and tell him to SIT about every block or so.  3.  STAY-Now that you have mastered the sit then you can move on to stay.  For a puppy this can be difficult cause they want to follow you everywhere.  Stop and sit as you previously had.  Then take your right hand bring it down in front of nose and say STAY in a loud, firm, but nonaggressive way.  It is very important to step away with your RIGHT leg.  That way they can distinguish STAY with right HEAL with left.  As your step away to the end of your short leash, turn around and stare at him.  Make sure he STAYS sitting for about 10 secs.  When your go back to his side go all the way around his left side to his right.  Back to your oringal position.  Pause briefly then say HEAL, while stepping with your left leg. Take about 3 steps forward then praise him with a pat on the head and a treat.  Repeat this several times.  4.  Next is the DOWN-Repeat the sit and this time with the leash in your left hand and the treat in your right..Kneal down beside him with the treat in front of his nose, and say down moving the treat out slowy across the ground.  If he doesnt get it, say NO.  Turn around in a circle and repeat.  After thats mastered then you can practice DOWN and STAY.  Just repeat the steps above for SIT and STAY.  This process could take several weeks or even months to get perfect.  Ill leave you with this.  I hope this helps.  Just mail me back after your puppy has this down and I will give you some more information.  I just think that this is alot of information to take in right now. HAHA!  If you would like further information right now then just let me know and I'll be happy to give it to you.  Or otherwise just start on this and let me know how it is going for you.  As far as the tricks go.  You can teach a puppy new tricks.  Once you have him obedience trained so that he respects you and will really listen to you then I can try to help you with that.  Let me know if you need anything else.  Thanks for your question!
