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older dogs and doggie door

19 9:53:57

I have recently rescued a little Chihuahua puppy. He is only 8 months old and I installed a doggie door and within ten minutes he had it down and loves it!  It gives him the freedom he loves. I also have a rat terrier that will be thirteen next month and he is petrified of it!! I've done the treats, holding up the flap (he will come in then) but will not push it open himself to go out or come in.  What can I do, if anything, to get him used to the door and realize its a good thing for him?


Hi Mary,

I don't  know if your older dog will get the hang of the doggie door if he's afraid of pushing on the door.

The only way you can get your dog over his doggie door fear, is by working with him, as you've done. You didn't say how long a training period you've given your Rat Terrier, but more time would be required. I can't say how long you'd need to work with the dog, it could be weeks or months, it's impossible to say if the "light" will ever go on over his head, or if it's just not going to happen. Some dogs just don't learn this.

Work with your dog as a refresher, to remind him that he can walk through the door when it's open. Once he seems to know that he can walk through the open door, smear a "high value treat", such as cream cheese, peanut butter or a deviled ham spread right on the door flap, as you encourage him to walk through the door. With any luck, he'll push through the door as he licks at or paws the door.

Another option would be to tape the dog door securely in the open position (or fasten it in some other manner) just make sure it won't fall on your dog when he goes through. Once he'll go through the door when it's open often, lower it about a quarter of the way. If this scares them him first, put a treat on the other side. The next step is to lower it completely, once your dog is comfortable with the partially closed position. This, combined with your encouragement and the food incentives may help your dog to use the door.

Some doggie door manufacturers sell replacement flaps. If the flap on your dog door is opaque, a clear flap might work better for your dog. Lastly, and the most costly, there are radio controlled dog doors that react to a chip worn on the dog's collar which automatically lifts the door open as the dog approaches. Read about this product here:

Best of luck,